Dingo and lupins to feature at field day

Well-known actor Ernie Dingo will be guest speaker at West Midlands Group Spring Field Day on September 10.
Held at the group's main trial site on Pete and Daisy Negus' property, Cooligee, in Dandaragan, the event will feature new lupin variety WALAN2325 and showcase an extensive trials program.
WALAN2325 replaces Tanjil and Wonga, providing equivalent anthracnose resistance with Metribuzin tolerance and a substantial yield improvement.
The field day will have more than 20 trials on display, catering for cropping and mixed farming enterprises, including the new Grains Research and Development Corporation trial.
The GRDC trial will assess one-way ploughing, scarifying, offset discs, deep ripping, spading and mouldboard ploughing for incorporating lime evenly throughout the soil profile to overcome subsoil acidity, water repellence and improve crop productivity on sandplain soils in the northern agricultural region of WA.
"This trial is the most comprehensive of its type through the Wheatbelt, covering most of the incorporation options available at the one site and is worth seeing," said Steve Davies, of the Department of Agriculture and Food WA.
Ernie Dingo, who in 1990 was made a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his service to the performing arts, will speak at the event.
Born on Bullardoo station, a cattle station in the region, he was the second of nine children.
Mr Dingo grew up in the Mid West country town of Mullewa with his family.
The cost is $20 for members and $50 for non-members.
For more information, contact the West Midlands Group on 9651 4008.
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