
Blinken confirmed as US secretary of state

The Senate has confirmed Antony Blinken as the United States' top diplomat.
Camera IconThe Senate has confirmed Antony Blinken as the United States' top diplomat.

The US Senate has voted to confirm Antony Blinken as secretary of state, with lawmakers voting 78-22 in favour of the long-time foreign policy adviser.

Blinken has worked with US President Joe Biden for well over a decade, including when Biden was a senator leading the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Blinken also served as Biden's national security adviser from 2009 to 2013 when he was vice president.

The 58-year-old began his career in the State Department during Bill Clinton's administration.

He also served as deputy national security adviser and deputy secretary of state in the administration of Barack Obama.

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Blinken is an outspoken advocate for the trans-Atlantic relationship and is expected to strengthen the United States' ties with Europe from within the Biden administration.

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