
Beyond the Saleyards — Mutton strong &lamb still stable

ROB KELLYCountryman

The spot sheep and lamb markets in WA were stable last week.

Spot lamb prices remain around 820¢, with forward prices limited but trading a slight premium. The mutton market remains bid at 640¢.

On the east coast, Thomas Foods remained in the market at 760-780¢ and forward lamb markets were starting to fill up. Mutton markets also remain strong, with spot bids starting at 640¢ and rising. Gundagai Meat Processors (NSW) has also increased its IMF lamb grid prices. The IMF grid is based on lean meat yield and intramuscular fat levels, rather than the traditional carcass weight and fat depth assessment.

The prices in the grid may not reflect a huge premium to farmers, however the data provided via the kill sheets is being used as a valuable selection tool for those looking to select animals based on these characteristics.

Many believe this is what will be used in future to calculate carcass values, as it is more objective than the traditional lamb grids.

The wool market finished last week a touch stronger with the EMI up 8¢ at 1428¢. Hook prices for east coast goat markets were unchanged at 960¢ to 1040¢, and liveweight markets remain bid around 420¢ for all weights.

Cattle markets continued their rampage higher. Saleyard prices continue to drive well beyond break-even levels for processors and feedlots. Direct to processor markets are also pushing much higher. Teys October grain-fed prices were released this week with 100-day grain-fed prices at 740¢ for steers. Spot prices are closer to 700¢.

Processor and feedlot market bids at the start of the week (¢/kg or $/head):

East coast processor prices: 100 day grai- fed (HGP free): steers 740¢, heifers 735¢. Grass-fed: steers 700¢, heifers 695¢. Cows 630¢. Bulls 560¢.

Queensland feedlots: Black Angus: 600¢, Black Angus British X: 590¢, Wagyu X Angus: POA.

Queensland export orders: Feeder steers 380¢, slaughter steers 360¢. Feeder bulls 360¢, heifers 375¢, cows 290¢.

NSW feedlots (steers): British, Euro X, Flat Back: 465¢, XB 445¢.

China export orders: Heifers (unjoined): Friesians $2100 Holstein (200+ kg, no blood tests) $1000 -$1200. Red Angus $1,300. Jersey unjoined heifers (200kg) $1300.

Full price grids and details for all these orders are available in the LIVEstock Pricing app and online.

Rob Kelly is the Founder and Managing Director of LIVEstock Pricing, a free service with the latest sheep, cattle and goat price grids in one easy-to-use app.

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