
Beyond the Saleyards - WA crossbred lambs fare best

ROB KELLYCountryman

WA crossbred lambs found some strength last week and managed to jump 20¢ but the rest of the markets remained relatively flat. 

Crossbred lambs are now bid at 720¢ in the spot market with V&V Walsh.

WAMMCO has forward grids out for 780¢ for June delivery.

In the feedlot market, Glenpadden (Kojonup) is bidding $3.30/kg on farm, capped at around 50kg depending on the breed.

East coast markets remain very well bid. JBS forwards at 760¢ for lambs in Feb and 740¢ in March added support to the market.

Spot bids from other processors are similar to the February forward rates. Mutton is bid slightly below 600¢ on the spot market in Victoria while hoggets have risen 20¢ to 640¢ in the past week

The wool finished another week very strongly. The EMI rounded out the week up 89¢ to 1291¢, again driven by Chinese demand. It has started this week a bit softer with the EMI giving up 9¢ on Monday. Goat markets have been stable.

Depot prices in the east appear to have found support. Milk tooth goats can still fetch above 400¢, but drop back to 400¢ after that.

In WA, BRM lowered their lighter weight prices by 20¢ to 700¢ for a 10-24kg frame but have kept +24kg bids at 785¢.

Cattle processor markets stopped rising over the last week but feedlots have continued to climb. And all reports are that the higher prices are not bringing in enough extra cattle.

As a sign of the pressure on processors, Greenhams closed its Tongala plant. This was after Monbeef announced last year the closure of its plant for at least eight months.

Cow prices are well over 600¢ and bulls are close to that number too.

Export prices have remained stable with northern feeder and slaughter steers bid 380¢ but with the market paying slightly more if they can find stock.

WA feedlots: British feeder steers 420c¢(Feb delivery)

East coast processor prices: 100 day grain fed (HGP free): steers 700¢, heifers 695¢. Grass fed: steers 695¢, heifers 690¢. Cows 620¢. Bulls 530¢.

Queensland feedlots: Black Angus: 490¢, Black Angus British X: 480¢, Wagyu X Angus: 660¢, Flatbacks 445¢, Brahmans 435¢

Queensland export orders: Brahman steers and bulls 380¢, bulls 380¢, heifers 360¢

NSW feedlots (steers): Black Angus: 425¢. British, Euro X, Flat Back: 465¢, XB 445¢

Wagyu (Qld, liveweight): 950c¢fullblood, 900¢ purebred and F2-F3 800¢

China export orders: Heifers (unjoined): Friesians $2,100 Holstein (200+ kgs, no blood tests) $1000 -$1200. Red Angus $1300. Jersey unjoined heifers (200kg) $1200

Full price grids and details for all these orders are available in the LIVEstock Pricing app and online at livestockpricing.com.au.

Rob Kelly is the Founder and Managing Director of LIVEstock Pricing, a free service with the latest sheep, cattle and goat price grids in one easy-to-use app.

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