
Why citrus gall wasp is a dangerous pest and what you can do to stop it spreading

Headshot of Jade Jurewicz
Jade JurewiczThe West Australian
Citrus gall wasp has spread across more than just the Perth metropolitan area.
Camera IconCitrus gall wasp has spread across more than just the Perth metropolitan area. Credit: DPIRD

Citrus gall wasp is doing the rounds and appears to want to extend its holiday options to include the north and south of our State.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development research scientist Rachelle Johnstone said the pest was well established in the Perth metropolitan area and more recently had been found in Bunbury and Geraldton.

Perth gardeners are aware by now how the pest has spread throughout the metropolitan area and understand the need to be vigilant not only on their own citrus trees but their neighbours, too. Gall wasp leave distinctive woody bulges, or galls, on the shoots and branches of citrus trees, which can measure up to 250mm long and 25mm thick. Galls can be difficult to find in newly infested trees as they can be quite small.

“Management of this pest is vital, not only to protect trees in our own gardens, but to protect our commercial citrus orchards, which supply fresh, delicious fruit for us to eat,” Ms Johnstone said.

Gall wasps lay eggs in new growth from September to December, and galls become visible from February. If you see any galls from July onwards, they need to be treated before disposal to ensure larvae do not survive.

Prune the galls off with secateurs, then shred or mulch them. The need to be placed in a well-sealed plastic bag and left in the sun for at least four weeks.

DPIRD and industry group WA Citrus is also reminding gardeners in citrus production areas to inspect their trees and implement control measures to reduce the threat to their tree’s health and to the WA citrus industry.

This includes residents living in the Moora/Dandaragan districts, south to Manjimup, and in northern areas such as Carnarvon and Kununurra. All growers around the nation are doing it pretty tough with increased fuel and fertiliser costs, so let’s not add to their pain.

If we want to continue to eat healthy WA grown fruit and veggies, it’s up to everyone to share the burden of controlling unwanted pests and diseases that have the potential to destroy people’s livelihoods.

Information on citrus gall wasp control is available on the department’s website. To report the presence of citrus gall wasp, send a photo and your suburb using the department’s MyPestGuide Reporter app or contact the Pest and Disease Information Service on 9368 3080.


When harvesting fruit from trees, take the time to check all the branches and new growth for pest and diseases.

3 jobs to do now

1. Water potted plants less but ensure rain is getting to all pots — sometimes the top growth prevents rain from getting to the soil.

2. Harvest cabbages once the heart has been formed — they are sweeter when small and less likely to be attacked by caterpillars and slugs.

3. Check potato plants for the 28 spotted ladybird — they are leaf eaters. Birds usually clean them up, or hand pick them off and drop into a bucket of soapy water.

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