
New variety on InterGrain menu

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Wheat breeder InterGrain last week launched a new Australian Hard (AH) variety.

Previously known as IGW3167, Emu Rock is a high-yielding premium AH variety, broadly adapted for mid to late sowings across a range of environments.

In trials during the past three years, InterGrain has shown that Emu Rock has consistently been the highest yielding AH variety for agzones 2 and 4.

Bred and developed by Robin Wilson, Chris Moore and the InterGrain wheat breeding team, Emu Rock is well suited to conditions across southern Australia.

The name Emu Rock follows InterGrain's tradition of naming its AH wheat varieties with Rock names. That convention makes it easier for growers to know which varieties are suitable for that classification.

Emu Rock offers durable stripe rust resistance (effective even in the presence of Yr17 virulence) and yellow spot resistance among the best in the AH segregation. It has acceptable resistance to leaf and stem rust.

An ideal option for mid to late sowing opportunities in all zones, Emu Rock has sprouting tolerance similar to Janz and Cascades.

Varietal characteristics include an intermediate height. Emu Rock is taller than Wyalkatchem yet shorter than Mace and has a moderate tillering capacity.

With large grain size, it has good test weight and has low susceptibility to screenings and blackpoint.

Due to its large grain size, growers are advised it is important to sow Emu Rock at rates high enough to achieve the desired plant density, in order to maximise this variety's yield potential.

InterGrain and Nuseed are committed to ensuring that WA growers can rapidly access information on new varieties.

Nuseed WA northern area manager Hugh Trenorden believes Emu Rock will give farmers improved disease resistance compared with Westonia, along with adding flexibility to the sowing program.

"As an AH variety, Emu Rock allows farmers to target this quality grade on paddocks suited to producing high protein wheat," he said. "The premiums for high quality wheat in recent years make this an attractive option for better gross margins.

"Having an early maturing wheat in the program is a great asset in years where the opportunity to sow into moisture does not present itself until later in the season.

"Faced with this situation, farmers can sow Emu Rock with a higher degree of confidence that moisture will be available during grain fill, to yield well and produce high-quality grain.

"The maturity of Emu Rock may also give farmers flexibility to target problem weeds before sowing, enabling enough time for a good knockdown spray or double knock strategy, season permitting."

Emu Rock is protected by Plant Breeder's Rights and is subject to an end point royalty of $3.50 a tonne, GST exclusive.

Commercial quantities of seed will be available next year.

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