
Katanning Regional Saleyards report, June 10

Sheep yarded at the Katanning Regional Saleyards.
Camera IconSheep yarded at the Katanning Regional Saleyards. Credit: Zach Relph

Yarding: 16034

Change: + 4932

Lambs: 9000

Change: +3898

Sheep: 7034

Change: +1034

Numbers were up nearly 5,000 head for a total yarding of 16,034 sheep and lambs at Katanning today.

The yarding was dominated by store lambs with some good lines of heavy lambs selling to a top of $237/head.

The balance of lambs were mainly store and light weight with buyers very active on merino lambs selling to a top of $165/head.

The best heavy ewes reached $210 and a pen of heavy merino wethers topped at $214/head.

Light weight xb lambs under 16kg cwt eased on last week selling from $70 to $136/head.

Air freight weights sold from $127 to $161 to processors and from $123 to $150/head to feeder buyers.

Light Trade weight lambs sold from $148 to $182, while heavier tradies sold from $170 to $188/head.

Heavy lambs in a large weight range returned from $180 to $237/head.

Merino wether lambs sold from $44 to $105 for weights under 14kg cwt and from $95 to $165/head for the heavier weight categories.

Merino ewe lambs made from $53 to $139 to restockers and $120 to $165/head to processors.

Young merino ewes sold to restockers from $70 to $150/head depending on quality.

Extra heavy ewe mutton weighing over 30kg cwt made from $200 to $209/ head.

Heavy and medium weight ewes sold from $145 to $210 with a fleece and up to $162/head for the better boning ewes carrying a fleece.

Light weight and store ewes sold from $60 to $100/head. Heaviest wethers eased, selling from $210 to $214, while heavy and medium weights sold ftom $159 to $191/head.

Light weight wethers and store types sold from $90 to $140/head.

Rams sold to processors from $30 for older store rams and to $126/head for heavier lines.

Ram lambs sold from $130 to $183 for heavy weights and from $70 to $144/head in a wide range of lighter weights.

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