
Yields, logistics top expectations for the Grylls

Melissa WilliamsCountryman
Bulyee cropper Brayden Grylls in a paddock of La Trobe barley while dad, Ken, and brother Ashly harvest the above-average crop.
Camera IconBulyee cropper Brayden Grylls in a paddock of La Trobe barley while dad, Ken, and brother Ashly harvest the above-average crop. Credit: Bob Garnant

Grain yields are exceeding expectations and harvest logistics are more streamlined this year on the Grylls family property at Bulyee, near Brookton.

Brayden Grylls, his wife Samara, brother Ashly and his wife Jackie and their parents, Ken and Kim, have had their two headers in action for about three weeks.

They have stripped 200 hectares of canola, half of their 1100ha barley crop and most of their 1100ha lupin area.

Average growing season rainfall of about 220 millimetres set the crops up well for solid yield potential, but a harsh finish to the season in early spring took the cream off some lupin and canola production.

Mr Grylls said lupins were yielding about 1 tonne/ha, down from a long-term farm average of about 1.8-2t/ha — mainly due to poor crop germination — and canola crops had averaged 1.4t/ha.

He said barley harvest was going very well, with average yields of 3-3.5t/ha. This was about 0.2t/ha higher than the property’s long-term barley average.

“Wheat heads appear to have filled-out OK, but it is hard to tell how well these crops will perform until we get into them. If we can achieve our typical wheat average of 2.5t/ha, we will be happy,” he said.

The Grylls family are noticing improved on-the-ground harvest efficiencies this year with the use of CBH’s new CDF app that allows them to track, in real time, each load of grain delivered to the handler with their mobile phones.

They receive data back about the grade of their delivery and a breakdown of each sample result, including grain protein, moisture content, temperature, hectolitre weight, screenings, small foreign seeds and residue declaration.

This is the first year CBH has rolled-out the app Statewide to replace the former paper Carter’s Delivery Form, after successfully trialling it at several Kwinana zone receival sites last year.

A series of glitches with the system late last week meant the handler needed to revert to the paper CDF system temporarily, which held grower deliveries up at some sites and sparked complaints on social media.

But Mr Grylls said delays were minimal and had to be expected when a new system was introduced. “It didn’t cause us any headaches last week when it went down,” he said. “The overall benefits have been brilliant because I can follow our grain as it is going through the supply chain system.

“I always have my mobile phone with me and I can now log on to the app when our truck driver is delivering a load, see when he has been sampled and weighed, and know when he is likely to be back at the farm. This means we can be ready back in the paddock to load him up again, saving a heap of time and hassle in transporting grain.”

Mr Grylls said using the LoadNet Paddock Planner meant each paddock could be linked directly and immediately to CBH sample details.

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